Fighting Words

'N Sync's Bass options an extreme-fighting flick. ''Mama's Boy'' promises to toughen the heartthrob image

by Rebecca Ascher-Walsh

We know our fascination with 'N Sync is verging on an obsessive-compulsive disorder, but allow us to indulge in one more piece of 'News. Producer Rich Hull has optioned a script for Lance Bass (with whom he's partnered in the production company A Happy Place) called ''Mama's Boy.'' It's a romantic comedy written by first-time screenwriter and Knoxville native Mark Hatmaker, who in real life is an extreme fighter -- meaning he's adept, as he explains, in ''boxing, kicking, elbowing, throwing [people] down on the ground.'' And, he adds, ''you can try to choke each other unconscious.'' While Hatmaker, who just finished his second script, doesn't yet have an agent and admits he's ''a babe in the woods'' (he sent ''Mama's Boy'' out as a blind submission), he assures us he's not worried about Hollywood getting one over on him. Given that he intends to keep writing, and fighting, neither are we.


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